Products Logistics and Commercial Marine Logistic companies insurance

Logistic companies insurance

**Available for  Quebec 


APRIL has developed a coverage specifically designed to cover your liability to third party property in your care, custody and control. This coverage includes defense costs, demurrage and business interruption.


Intended to

  • Consolidator of merchandise
  • Customs broker
  • Freight forwarder - principal
  • Warehousing
  • Freight forwarder - agent
  • Trucking Carriers
  • Comprehensive coverage
  • Solutions and policies adapted to all types of clients
  • Multiple coverages can be combined in one policy as a package
  • Coverage options:
    • Freight forwarder's legal liability
    • Warehouseman's Legal Liability
    • Errors & omissions

Underwriting norms

  • Limits up to $10,000,000 - $500,000 in stand alone Cargo for Truckers
  • Any incident
  • Canadian based entities
  • Fast underwriter response
  • Additional capacity available

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