Products Professionals & Businesses Cyber Insurance

Cyber Insurance

Every record of personal data, payment information or confidential corporate documents are exposed to a data breach as soon as it is stored on a computer network. Such breaches, apart from being costly to restore, can lead to loss of revenue, legal issues and major reputation damage. This is why APRIL has developed a cyber insurance solution for SMEs to protect your customers from these risks.

**Available for  Quebec Ontario Saskatchewan Manitoba Alberta  and British Columbia 


Every record of personal data, payment information or confidential corporate documents are exposed to a data breach as soon as it is stored on a computer network. Such breaches, apart from being costly to restore, can lead to loss of revenue, legal issues and major reputation damage. This is why APRIL has developed a cyber insurance solution for SMEs to protect your customers from these risks.


  • Business interruption : additional expenses and lost business income incurred due to a full or partial shutdown of your computer system
  • Digital asset destruction : costs to restore or recreate data caused by either a mistake in the use of or a breach of the Insured’s computer system
  • Incident response expenses : costs to manage a data breach including IT forensic costs, public relations and legal expenses as well as the cost of notifying customers of the situation and providing credit or monitoring to them
  • Regulatory defence and penalties : fines and penalties resulting from a regulatory action following a security breach of the computer system or a breach of privacy
  • Payment card industry fines and expenses : fines and expenses that relate to credit card breaches from non-compliance with payment card industry data security standards
  • Security and privacy liability : damages and defence expenses from a legal suit which the Insured is legally obligated to pay as result of a security breach or privacy breach
  • Multimedia liability : liability and defence costs incurred as a result of infringement of offline/online media
  • Limits of $25.000, $50.000, $100.000, $250,000 and $500.000 online
  • Limits of $1,000,000 and greater available with referral

Underwriting norms

  • 24/7 assistance with CyberScout
  • M24/7 assistance with CyberScout
  • Expert in cyber incident management
    • Evidentiary support
    • Notification assistance
    • Forensic cyber incident response
    • Facilitate ransomware payment
    • Engagement with third-party specialists
    • Breach victim remediation

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